Pick Up Tube with Adapter

Pick Up Tube with Adapter

Regular price $68.29 $0.00
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Fuel pick-up tube with adapter that can be used in any type or size fuel tank. Tube is 26” in length and can be cut shorter if needed for a shallower fuel tank.

Product Features:

1/2” NPT crush fitting for setting tube height and can be simply screwed into an existing ½” NPT tank port or used with the included universal tank adapter. The tank adapter can be implemented into any fuel tank by drilling the top of the tank. (See second picture for drill template) Product Specifications: 26” long tube 2mm ID with 90 degree bend at top. ½” NPT crush fitting, and universal tank adapter Model Specific: Any Airtronic Espar heater up to 8kw in size (Example: D8LC), Any Hydronic Espar heater up to 12kw in size (Example: M-II D12W).